Best practices from our aggregator:
Always switch up your text verbiage and domains, make sure you have an ample amount of phone numbers (DID’s), only use opt in data, don\'t use scammy/phishing verbiage,
and only send offers that correspond with what the consumer initially opted in for. Do not use link shorteners.
We require double opt-in consent in some limited use cases. Many of these use cases listed below generate the most complaints about unwanted messages which is why the burden of consent is higher.
• Affiliate marketing including multi-level marketing - this is typically a marketing arrangement which an online retailer pays
commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.
• Lead generation services
• Sweepstakes
• Financial products, unless you are the financial institution directly offering the product. These include debt refinancing, shortterm credit offers, and payday loans
• Job alerts
• Work-from-home offers
Content We Do Not Allow
The key to ensuring that messaging remains a great channel for communication and innovation is preventing abusive use of
messaging platforms. That means we never allow some types of content on our platform, even if our customers get consent
from recipients for that content. Those content types include:
• Anything that is illegal in the jurisdiction where the message recipient lives. For example, we do not allow messages
related to the sale of recreational or medicinal cannabis in the United States, because United States federal laws prohibit
its sale.
• Hate speech or harassment, or any communications from groups whose primary purpose is deemed to be spreading
• Fraudulent messages.
• Malicious content, such as malware or viruses.
• Any content that is designed to intentionally evade filters.
Opt-Out Rates
The preferred opt out rate is 1% and lower. If your account spikes and reaches a 2% opt out rate or higher, your account will automatically be inactivated.
Filtered Words
We have a list of words that are known to be filtered by carriers. If you create a message with any of the filtered words a message will pop up in the platform to advise you of the word(s) so that you can recreate your message content with different verbiage. This will help with deliverability.
Account Access
We reserve the right to inactivate, suspend or close your account at any time, without notice. This may happen due to abuse, intentionally evading best practices and platform features put in place for compliance, unacceptable opt out rates and/or complaints, etc.
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